Wednesday, March 5, 2008

What a day!

Well, one thing I discovered today is that it is a lot of pressure being in charge of having other people's patients show up! I had scheduled a family of 5 for me and a few others and yesterday I couldn't get a hold of them. I thought I was going to be tarred and feathered by my peers! The family seemed like they were pretty on top of it, but you can never be 100% sure. A few mins after 8 I called the number that was listed under the work number of the mom. She answered and it freaked me out becuase I thought she was at work! However, it was her cell phone, and she said they were actually out in the waiting room filling out some paper work. I felt like an idiot for being so annoying but it sure was a relief!
I wasn't quite sure about what to expect from my patient today. He hadn't been to the dentist for a few years. We took vertical BWX (which I struggle with) and a pano (yeah my last pano requirement!) becuase he still has his wisdom teeth and they have been bothering him. However, I had to do some retakes, which took FOREVER!!!!! I was really nervous because I knew he was going to be right on the border of a really hard 1B and a easier class II. I knew if he was a 1b I had to finish him today. Luckily Costley agreed with me. She said he wasn't healthy enough (maintained) to be classified as a V, and he definitely had some pockets going on, but not a ton of calculus. She said he could be counted as a Class II but she demanded PERFECTION out of me when I scale...that's pretty scary...I have yet to accomplish that!
I now have all my OD's complete for all of my class II's and III, I just have to complete them all so hopefully they will all return. I'm still really stressing out about my PA requirements. I was able to complete my PSR PE today as well.
I also realized today that I need to look CLOSER in my extra oral exam. My patient today had a 6x6 flat light brown lesion on his left cheek. It went completely undetected until Pro. Costley took a look. He said it had just recently appeared and so he was going to go get it checked out. I for some reason thought that anything suspicious would be a lot darker colored than this was. It was good for me to see what I need to be watching for. It's really easy to miss stuff like that. Sorry this is forever long to whoever is going to read it!

1 comment:

The Pyper's! said...

Good thought on the extra oral - feel like sometimes I just breeze through that without giving slight differences a second look. Way to go on your req.'s!!