Wednesday, March 26, 2008

What a Day!!!

After today I think I am going to have a breakdown. I didn't get near what I had expected to get done. I had my class III scheduled to come in this afternoon, but then Monday I found out that Clair had a pt that she needed to give away (1B). She said she could ONLY come in today at 9:00 becuase that is when she was originally scheduled. I made arrangements with Costley worked it out and told her to come in this morning. Low and behold...she no showed. Lovely. I was so mad that I had made the extra effort for her, and then she feels like returning the favor by just not showing up. What a waste of my time!
Then it was time for afternoon clinic. My patient is so sweet. I was able to talk her into getting numb today which helped both me and her. Her calculus was SOOOOOOOOO stinking hard to remove. I would work at a spot and work at it some more and it would still be there. Prof. Costley was a huge help and was really good to help me not get discouraged. She had to come back and try to remove a bunch of spots after me. I finished the spots that I was not able to remove in the UR from last appointment and there are still a few spots on the LR that Costley says she will just remove next time. I feel like I worked my butt off and was still missing so much. I still need to do her UL and LL, which I have to finish next time. I just pray that I will be able to do it and that whoever my instructor is next time will be just as willing to help me. I feel a lot more comfortable with my graceys after today, which is one good thing. I'm so glad today is done with...I don't know if I could handle much more!!!

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