Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Mission Accomplished

I was pretty intimidated about the day today. I was finishing my class III, who I really struggled with the last 2 appointments. I got in there, and I changed a few things that I didn't do last time. I used my ultrasonic longer and made sure that I was really going deep enough into those pockets. I went back through with the ultrasonic after handscaling. I checked every single spot with my explorer, making sure I was getting deep enough with that. I also discovered something else new today...I really like the mini graceys. I haven't really used them in the past, but they are wonderful for deep pockets when the tissue doesn't let you get down there. If I still felt a spot I went through with my mini graceys and was able to remove it. I felt pretty confident when I had Vining come over to do a scale check (at least a lot more so then last time!!!). I was so excited to hear that I only missed 1 spot!!! It took me a long time to do, but that was my main goal to be able to feel the calculus and then remove it. I also passed off my last PE today, which was my area specific PE. It is good to have those complete!

1 comment:

The Pyper's! said...

That is great. I haven't even used my mini's yet!