Thursday, April 2, 2009

Final Mockboard!

This morning finally rolled around after a night of restless sleep. I was ready for my final mockboard. I had read over the candidate guide. I had all my paperwork filled out. I was ready to go. My patient showed up right at 8:00 and I walked out to the lobby to get him. The second I glanced at him I saw it.....I wanted to deny it, but then I looked again and it was still there. I wanted to curse the lesion that existed on my patient's guessed it...a stinkin' cold sore. I immediately called Kami over and she confirmed the bad news. I had to have my few moments of break down from the frustration and dissapointment. My whole morning had just gone to pot!
I had to have Mr. Solomon explain to my patient why we couldn't see him and he was upset and disappointed (however, not as much as me!) Camille was my guardian angel today and she pulled out a name she had. Mr. Solomon called him and he said he could be there in 30 minutes. I didn't know anything about him and he was a new patient, but I decided to give it a shot anyways.
He showed up at 8:45. Kami took a look and we decided that he qualified! (praise the heavens above!!!) By 9:00 I was checked in (with no x-rays of course!), had given LA and working away.
At 10:30 I walked my patient to be checked out. I definitely felt rushed. I had no idea what the results were going to be because I didn't even have time to go back over and double check myself to make sure I hadn't missed any spots.
I was shocked when Perry told me I didn't miss any spots! I just stood there in disbelief!!! I did miss some points on my recession and occlusion, but I feel okay about that because I felt so rushed.
I'm so grateful for everyone who helped me out today and who helped me through the rough times. I'm sorry to all who had to see my tears! I just love our class and instructors and appreciate everyone's support! You guys are the best!


{Jamey} said...

I'm SORRY! As if it wasn't stressful enough already!! That's awesome that you found a back-up though! Keep it up... you're almost there :)

purple turtle said...

I felt SOOOOOO terrible that you couldn't see him because of a cold sore! Here you were trying to help me and it turned out badly for you! I was hoping you would forgive me. I didn't know that you were able to find someone else!! I think God blessed you because you were unselfishly trying to help me. I was glad to hear that you didn't missed any spots! I'm glad that you don't have to try to make up the mockboard! If you need ANYTHING let me know!!!

Ryan and Katie Poulsen said...

Oh, how stupid cold sores are! I am glad everything worked out and then you rocked it with no missed spots. You are an amazing clinician!

Megan said...

I can't believe that happened. At least you were able to find a patient to come in. Hopefully that does not happen to any of us on actual board day.

Dustin and Nicole said...

Wow! That's quite the experience! That's awesome that you were able to rise to the occasion and succeed while under pressure! I know that you'll make a great clinician :) Oh and I totally agree about the amazing teachers and classmates!!! Good luck with the real Boards :)

Dustin and Nicole said...
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