Thursday, March 26, 2009

In this world everyone cannot be pleased

Today sucked. Just wanted to get that out of my system!

I saw my grandma this morning. She is just the cutest thing ever and I love her to death. However, I felt like I was under a lot of pressure because she wanted me to get both her and my grandpa done this morning. I told her it may not be possible, but we would try. We had a few things that slowed us down and I was still just trying to hurry because I didn't want to let her down. Unfortunately I did a horrible job cleaning her mandibular anteriors. (you honestly would have thought that I started going to school yesterday). I was really discouraged. I'm supposed to be graduating in just over a month and lookie here I clean like a dental assistant breaking the law. Whatever. I'm going to try and just say that I'm still under the "board Hangover", chalk that up as my excuse and move on with life. I got xrays taken on my grandpa but he has to come back.

Moral of the story: You just can't please your grandma and grandpa, your instructor, and definitely NOT yourself in this situation.

This afternoon my patient no showed on me. I spent the ENTIRE afternoon calling patients to get them scheduled for a screening. People have no clue how desperate I am. I screened a patient waiting for midtown but he didn't have near the build up I was looking for. I can only hope that someday my efforts will pay off...and that day better be soon.

I'm ready to be done with all these unreliable people. Unfortunately I can't get my license without relying on them so let's just hope for the best over the next month and a half.


Chelsea Buckwalter said...

Kristin! AAAAAHHH!!! I hated today too! I felt like an amatuer like I've never scaled before. My excuse however is a machine malfunction. My water pump did not work all morning and it sucked big time!!!

I don't know why we are so incredibly unlike when trying to find a board patient, but I'm sick to death of it too!!!!

Jessica said...

I think that we all have had days like that. You would have thought that I had never done paperwork in clinic before with the way things went. Good luck with finding a board patient. If I have anyone come in who's good I'll let you know!

holly said...

I'm sorry you had a bad day. I hate days like that. I've felt like that before too.

Thanks so much for helping me out with mockboards yesterday, meeting me to get the x-rays and stuff. He should be a good board pt for you.