Thursday, March 19, 2009

I NEED that golden patient!

Today went well. I had 2 new patients, so I wasnt quite sure what to expect. This morning my 15 year old girl had quite a lot of calculus. I had to numb her up so I only got her left side done. However, I was able to do a screening on her dad (who had never been to the dentist). We took 4 BWX and he has MOUNTAINS of calculus on his posteriors, but unfortunately he isn't ideal for boards. He has some teeth that need to be restored and we are worried that his calculus is going to be extremelely hard to get off, especially because his daughter's was pretty hard to get off. so, he may qualify for mockboards, but he still wasn't my golden patient....yes I'm still waiting for that special someone to come strolling in. It was kind of a crazy morning but thanks to Kami, Katie and Jackie for helping me out!!!

Lis took a pano on my patient and we found an impacted canine! I'm glad I was able to recommend that to them so we could figure out it was up there!

This afternoon ended up being a class 5. she was really motivated about the homecare suggestions I made....I like it when it seems like they are actually intending to do what you tell them to do. I'm trying to get screenings scheduled, but it just doesn't seem like I've even got any great prospects. It's discouraging and stressful, but until next tues I'm just focusing on boards!!!!! I can't wait for them to be over with!!!

After that however, I'm on a search for my golden patient and I'm open for referrals!!!

1 comment:

Emily Welch said...

i have a few people that you can call and get in here for a screening. I got them from my emails and the resource list. I know that some of them haven't seen a DDS for 10years.. perhaps that will work. I'll get with you.