Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Hectic Day!!!

Today didn't really go as planned! This morning my patient was 30 minutes late. Her BWX were the hardest ones I have ever taken (I'm surprised they turned out as good as they did...I didnt' have any retakes just 2 supplemental films to get the maxillary bone). The bad news is that I only got an OD done, but the good news is that she is a class III! She has quite a few class 1 furcations, a lot of recession and even some class 1-2 mobility. She will definitaly be a good experience. She can only come at 8:00 which only leaves me with the last day of clinic. She will be finishing off my class 3 requirements and my exams so I hope it doesn't fall through or else I'm screwed!

This afternoon was soooo crazy and hectic! I planned to see a 7-yr old boy and then see his 16-yr old sister. The little boy was quick and easy. I love doing kids. However, his older sister had like 3 HUGE cold sores!!!! GRRR! Ruin my plans! I tried to call my husband to see if he could come in so I could do my blood glucose and caries risk assessment pe's on him, but he was already at work so that wasn't going to work. Luckily Liz had a patient that she had scheduled for 1:45 and she was going to be busy with her class 2 patient so she told me I could have her. I was really excited to have something to do to fill my time and help me meet requirements.

I brought the patient back and she had kind of a complicated HHX. She was diabetic, had high blood pressure, and taking several meds....those HHX are always a treat to work with! After taking her BP 4 times it was finally low enough to proceed! However, since it took so long it was like 2:40 and I hadn't even done an OD yet. Prof. Perry was so good to work with me and help her get her finished and on her way. One thing that was kind of cool is that I got to use the new intra oral camera...that thing is soooo much better than that old dinosaur we have had to use in the past! She had a big red area on her palate that I had never seen before. I asked Prof. Perry about it and he said that if there was white specks with it he would think it was a yeast infection, but there wasn't. We told her to watch for any white to appear and if it does to go see her regular dentist.

I had 3 charts to fill out this afternoon so I was a little late getting out of there. Thanks so much to my lovely pod who is always so willing to help me get cleaned up so I'm not there as late! You guys are awesome! By the way, it happened to me again. I had all these big plans to complete PE's today (the accessory fulcrum, Caries Risk Assessment,Blood Glucose, Ultrasonic) and I didn't complete any of them!!! Such is life I guess, but hopefully I will be able to get around to them sometime soon becuase the semester is coming to an end!!!

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