Tuesday, September 23, 2008


Well, I've had better days. This morning I didn't get started on my patient until 8:30, but at least he showed up. I got one quad of a 3 and one quad of a 2. He is the first patient that I have had on Peridex so that has been a good experience. He had some pretty tenacious calculus and I got some more good practice with my graceys.

This afternoon rolled around and at 12:40 I got a text from my patient saying that he was really sorry but his boss wouldn't let him off work. I was in a big dilemma becuase he is my mock board patient and I really wanted to see him before mockboards and my whole schedule is booked until then. I told him if you could be here by 2:00 then we could still get done. (I just had to clean his Left side, I'd already finished the OD). However, 2:30 rolled around and he said he was on his way. Well, he walked through the door at 3:00. I was major stressing it! It gave me a LONG while to study, but I didn't want it. I wanted my patient in the chair. I was able to get one quad cleaned and missed 3 spots, but at least now I know what to expect now for my mockboards. In the end, I wish I would have just tried to find a different patient, but what is done is done. Oh well! Now my worry is if his boss is going to let him off work for mock boards. He says he will be there, on time, but I guess we will see.

1 comment:

The Schmutz Family said...

AHHH! I can't believe you have a blog!! Which blog do you guys use more or should I have both listed on my blog?? This is so dang fun. I seriously can't believe you guys have one. How fun!