Thursday, January 22, 2009

Yet Again...

Today went well. I didn't have a patient scheduled this morning after trying and trying for 2 days straight. I came in and mr. solomon called a patient for me. They were able to come in, but didn't get here until 9:00. She ended up being a class 5, so I used her as an exam. I need to work on getting the distals of the back molar.

This afternoon I had another class 5. I tried the new Scan-X system. I like it. I was kind of nervous because I didn't feel like I knew what I was doing, but with a little help it went great! My patient had a weird bridge...the crown of the pontic couldn't even be seen in the was pretty crazy! I only missed 1 spot on her...the distal of one of the wisdom teeth. That spot gets me every time!!!!

Another week gone by and no mockboard patient. I think somebody's trying to teach me some patience....I'm holding out for next week, and if I don't have any luck then I will have to scramble to find some names to call for some screenings. :(


Chelsea Buckwalter said...

You and I both!!! No mockboard pt for me. I must need to learn patience also. Ha Ha, but I think I already knew I needed to learn that one!

Well hang in there, it has to get better somehow!!!

jAcKi said...

I feel the same way, I still can't find a mockboard or patients really period to screen. It's getting really stressful.

emilie said...

I am still waiting to try scan x, it sounds like you liked it. I want to try it out soon. Hope you find a mock board this week. Good luck!

Claire said...

I'm noticing a pattern here. Everyone is having trouble finding patients to come in. I know you will find a mockboard!

Lindy said...

At least you found one today!!!!