Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Not Quite What I Expected

Today went okay. This morning I saw my last 1A and finished my mockboard exam patient. I was able to pass off my desensitization PE on him. It all went well.
Yesterday my afternoon patient cancelled for today. I looked at the resource list and found a 17 year old kid who needed to come in so I called him. I figured I could possibly take a pano on him and maybe if I was lucky do sealants on his 2nd molars...on top of this I figured he would be a pretty easy 1B.
Well, I learned my lesson....NEVER make assumptions about a patient! He was a really nice boy, but....he needed to learn how to use a toothbrush.
I struggled with my x-rays a little bit (I did get a pano by the way!). We sat down in the chair and I started to probe. Unfortunately I couldn't do a very good job becuase the enourmous amount of plaque and bleeding everywhere! I couldn't believe it! He was classified as a 2 and I was thinking to myself...where did my easy patient go!? We took a lot of time to review the x-rays, discuss the infection and of course teach OHI. He was so tender when I was probing so we decided it would be best if we anesthetized him to treat him. I messed up by not having the large window of the carpule toward me, but it went okay. I couldn't believe how hard his calculus was!!! Unfortunately today I only got one quad done. Luckily I hadn't scheduled anybody for next week yet so I will be able to have him come back this semester. I also put him on some prevident to hopefully help with the decalcification that was starting on the facials of his maxillary anteriors. What a day! I'm glad it's over!

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