Tuesday, November 25, 2008

The LAST day rocked!

I'm so happy right now becuase I'm done with my clinic sessions until January!!!! YEAH! I'm even more excited becuase I was able to meet all my requirements and get everything done that I needed to!

Today went well. I saw a class 3 patient and did a half a mouth. I was able to do LA for this and pass off my subgingival irrigation PE.

This afternoon I had my friend from high school come in. It was a nice relaxing afternoon and I finally didn't feel pooped after cleaning a patient! It seems like it has been forever since I was able to clean a 1B and it was really nice! I also passed off my blood glucose PE. One thing I learned today..... with the new scanx machine in use...you have to be careful which template you choose when taking digital x-rays. I didn't even realize that was on there so I put it in the wrong template and they wouldn't pull up to print. I had to take the whole set over again! Brother! The computer didnt' like me today. A while after I had printed off my treatment plan, I went in to do my walkout, and low and behold...there was no tx plan listed anywhere in his file! It is beyond me where it went but I had to remake a whole new treatment plan...weird! I had a good time using the new intra oral camera to show my picture some really deep pits he had on his 2nd molars....technology is amazing!

It feels so nice to be done!!! You know what they say....it will all work out!

Wednesday, November 19, 2008


I am actually posting a day late this week, but at least I have some news to share! Today was my last day at the VA and I was able to finish up with my requirements!!!! I'm so excited! I got 2 quads of a 2 and 4 quads of a 5. No more worries for this semester!!! What a great feeling!

Yesterday went okay. I was worried sick in the morning because I hadn't been able to get a hold of my patient and I really needed her to be there...she was a class 3 exam. It was 8:20 and she still wasn't there so I decided I would help Claire with some screenings she was doing. I sat the patient in the chair to take his BP and then they called back over the intercom telling me my patient was here! Of course that would happen as soon as I sat that other patient down!!! I was soooo relieved though! I was kind of disappointed though becuase she decided she didn't want to be anesthetized because she hates shots so bad! (That's okay though, I made up for it in the afternoon!) I was able to pass of my perio files PE. I only missed 2 spots. This is a HUGE improvement! Last year when I saw her I struggled so bad, but this time around went much smoother!

In the afternoon I had my 17 year old patient coming back to finish him from last week. I was hoping he would want N2O, but he didn't...bummer. He was quite nervous and wiggly for the injections...but he made it through all TEN!!!! Let me just tell you again that he had the hardest stinkin' calculus to get off! He had a canker sore last time and it had almost tripled in size so I had the instructors take a look just to check and they thought it would be okay. Instructor Wolde recommended that he rinse with a mouthrinse made by colgate called Peroxyl that she says works really good. I hadn't ever heard of this before, so it was good to get her recommendations. Even though I was completely worn out at the end of the day, it was a good day overall!

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Not Quite What I Expected

Today went okay. This morning I saw my last 1A and finished my mockboard exam patient. I was able to pass off my desensitization PE on him. It all went well.
Yesterday my afternoon patient cancelled for today. I looked at the resource list and found a 17 year old kid who needed to come in so I called him. I figured I could possibly take a pano on him and maybe if I was lucky do sealants on his 2nd molars...on top of this I figured he would be a pretty easy 1B.
Well, I learned my lesson....NEVER make assumptions about a patient! He was a really nice boy, but....he needed to learn how to use a toothbrush.
I struggled with my x-rays a little bit (I did get a pano by the way!). We sat down in the chair and I started to probe. Unfortunately I couldn't do a very good job becuase the enourmous amount of plaque and bleeding everywhere! I couldn't believe it! He was classified as a 2 and I was thinking to myself...where did my easy patient go!? We took a lot of time to review the x-rays, discuss the infection and of course teach OHI. He was so tender when I was probing so we decided it would be best if we anesthetized him to treat him. I messed up by not having the large window of the carpule toward me, but it went okay. I couldn't believe how hard his calculus was!!! Unfortunately today I only got one quad done. Luckily I hadn't scheduled anybody for next week yet so I will be able to have him come back this semester. I also put him on some prevident to hopefully help with the decalcification that was starting on the facials of his maxillary anteriors. What a day! I'm glad it's over!

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Finally some PE's!!!!

This morning we had a lab on desensitization and emergency situations. I really like that we take the time to review emergencies. I really hope I never have to deal with one in real like, but if I ever do hopefully I will be prepared!

This afternoon my patient was returning from earlier in the semester. She was 2 quads of class 2 and 1 quad of a class 5. She was so easy going and was a great patient. I was so grateful to Bossenberger who helped me to get so many PE's done! I FINALLY did some that I've been trying to do for the past month! I was ablet to do my ultrasonic, calculus removal, and accessory fulcrum. I had extra time at the end so I did my caries risk assessment PE. My patient also needed Arrestin in one spot so I did that PE! It felt so good to get that load lifted off!

One weird thing that my patient mentioned is that she was rinsing with Balsalmic Vinegar. She had sores in her mouth from the acid even. Some of the things patients come up with to do! Crazy! I had to explain to her that listerine would be much better!!